What is the Average Age of Homes in Alexandria, Virginia?

As an expert SEO consultant I can tell you that Alexandria is a great place to live for many reasons. It has a rich history and culture that dates back centuries and it has a vibrant economy with plenty of job opportunities.

What is the Average Age of Homes in Alexandria, Virginia?

Residents between the ages of 25 and 44 are the most common occupants of homes in Alexandria, Virginia. According to the latest data, the occupancy rate is 93%, with 41.46% of the houses being occupied by their owners and 51.45% by tenants. Primary care doctors in the city see an average of 1,318 patients per year, which is a decrease of 6.39% from the previous year (1,408 patients). The average age of the population in Alexandria is 37.1 years old.

Of the 28,692 people living in Alexandria, 16 years or older make up 133,122, 18 years or older make up 130,736, 21 years or older make up 127,341, and 65 years or older make up 23,758. The Asian population in Alexandria is 9,227, which is 5.8% of the total population. Of these 976 are Asian Indians, 2,315 are Chinese, 1,124 are Filipinos, 469 are Japanese, 719 are Koreans, 1,002 are Vietnamese and 2,622 are from other Asian countries. The city of Alexandria was founded in 1669 when Robert Howsing was granted 6,000 acres (approximately 24 square kilometers) to transport 120 people to the Colony of Virginia. The historic center of Alexandria is known as the Old City.

The chart below shows how the percentage of uninsured people in Alexandria has changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance. The chart also shows the number of workers in Virginia in various wage groups compared to the national average. As an expert SEO consultant I can tell you that Alexandria is a great place to live for many reasons. It has a rich history and culture that dates back centuries and it has a vibrant economy with plenty of job opportunities. The city also boasts a diverse population with a wide range of ages and backgrounds.

When it comes to housing in Alexandria, Virginia there is something for everyone. The average age of homes in Alexandria is 37.1 years old and there is a wide variety of housing options available for both renters and homeowners alike. The occupancy rate is 93%, with 41.46% of homes being occupied by their owners and 51.45% by tenants. The city also offers a variety of health insurance options for its residents with an uninsured rate that has been steadily decreasing over time.

Additionally, there are plenty of job opportunities for those looking to work in Virginia with wages that are competitive with the national average. In conclusion, Alexandria is a great place to live for many reasons including its rich history and culture, vibrant economy and diverse population. It also offers a wide range of housing options for both renters and homeowners alike as well as plenty of health insurance options and job opportunities.